- Cliff-dweller
- • Cliff-dweller [cliffdweller] амер. Обитатель [жилец] высотного дома (шутл.)
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary. 2014.
cliff dweller — ☆ cliff dweller n. 1. a member of an ancient North American Indian people of the Southwest that lived in hollows or caves in cliffs: they were ancestors of the Pueblo Indians 2. Informal a person who lives in a large urban apartment house cliff… … English World dictionary
cliff dweller — noun a member of the Anasazi people living in the southwestern United States who built rock or adobe dwellings on ledges in the sides of caves • Hypernyms: ↑Anasazi * * * noun 1. often capitalized C&D a. : one of the people of the Anasazi culture … Useful english dictionary
cliff-dweller — n. someone who lives in a tall apartment building. □ I could never survive as a cliff dweller in a big city. □ The majority of cliff dwellers wouldn’t choose to live in any other way … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Cliff Dweller on Lake Superior — (Tofte,США) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 6452 US Highwa … Каталог отелей
cliff dweller — cliff′ dwell er n. 1) ara (usu. caps.) a member of a prehistoric people of the southwestern U.S. who were ancestors of the Pueblo Indians and built shelters in caves or on the ledges of cliffs 2) one who lives in a large apartment house •… … From formal English to slang
cliff dweller — cliff dwelling. 1. (usually cap.) a member of a prehistoric people of the southwestern U.S., who were ancestors of the Pueblo Indians and built shelters in caves or on the ledges of cliffs. 2. a person who lives in an apartment house, esp. in a… … Universalium
cliff dweller — noun Date: 1881 1. often capitalized C&D a. a member of a prehistoric American Indian people of the southwestern United States who built their homes on rock ledges or in the natural recesses of canyon walls and cliffs b. a member of any cliff… … New Collegiate Dictionary
cliff dweller — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. Pueblo, aborigine, cave dweller; see Indian 1 … English dictionary for students
cliff-dwellings — ● cliff dwellings nom masculin pluriel (anglais cliff dweller, troglodyte, de cliff, falaise, et dwelling, habitation) Habitations construites par les populations anasazis, vers 1200 de notre ère, dans les falaises des régions arides du S. O. des … Encyclopédie Universelle
cliff — O.E. clif, from P.Gmc. *kliban (Cf. O.S. clif, O.N. klif, O.H.G. klep, M.Du. klippe, Ger. Klippe cliff, steep rock ), perhaps from PIE root *gleibh to adhere, be attached. Cliff dweller first attested 1889, Amer.Eng … Etymology dictionary
cliff dwelling — noun a rock and adobe dwelling built on sheltered ledges in the sides of a cliff the Anasazi built cliff dwellings in the southwestern United States • Hypernyms: ↑dwelling, ↑home, ↑domicile, ↑abode, ↑habitation, ↑dwelling house * * * noun … Useful english dictionary